When you are a student, it can often feel like you aren’t in one place for very long. This is often true; many students move house each year during their time at university, and many also make long trips home for Christmas, Easter, and summer.
For students with many belongings, all this moving around can be a pain. Thankfully, self storage offers an ideal solution for any student who is worried about hauling their belongings across the country!
Keep Your Belongings Safe Over Summer
Even if you aren’t moving house each year, you’ll most likely be heading home over the long summer months. It might be tempting to leave your belongings in your house, but in densely populated student areas, thieves are well aware of this. Houses that are empty for months on end are an easy target for thieves.
It can be a logistical nightmare to take everything home over the summer. After all, there’s only so much that you can carry on the train or fit in your car. Self storage offers a convenient solution for students who want to ensure the safety of their belongings but are unable to move everything home.
As an added bonus, using self storage also means you won’t need to haul everything back when you return to university!
Offers Security During Your Gap Year
Many students opt to take a year out of their studies to go travelling. Travelling has many logistical obstacles to overcome, and that’s before you start worrying about where all of your belongings will live during your time away. While some may have the luxury of having the space at a parents’ house, others may not have space (or willing parents!).
If you want somewhere that you know your belongings will be looked after during the time you are abroad, self storage is a perfect option. You won’t need to worry about your little brother breaking your guitar, or dust collecting on your tv.
A Flexible and Affordable Option
If you take the time to look into the pricing of self storage, you may be pleasantly surprised. Considering the fact that we are currently running a 50% discount across all of our services, it’s never been cheaper to test out the benefits of self storage yourself.
Often, students might make two (or more!) trips from home to their university residence just to transport their belongings back and forth. Not only is this a massive inconvenience, it can also be costly in fuel. It may end up saving you both time and money if you choose to opt for self storage.
Even better, if there’s few of you living in your house who would like to chip in for a bigger unit, you could really see some massive savings!
Green Oak Self Storage
If you’re a student in the Midlands, we are here to help you. We have a purpose built, state of the art facility that contains over 100 storage units. With 24 hour surveillance, lifts to easily transport your goods, and comprehensive insurance for all of your possessions, you can rest easy knowing that your goods will be looked after.
If you’d like to get in touch, please give us a call on 0121 378 2870, or email us at info@greenoakselfstorage.co.uk with any queries or questions. Alternatively, you can message us through our website and we will be in touch.